There was a gift w/o a number (we did numbers instead of names) under the tree, and I figured I just screwed up again, because yesterday we went through and had to figure out a couple of numberless presents. So I tried to carefully open it and saw that the box said....
WII!!!!!! I've wanted a WII since they first came out, but I've also been married to "no video games for my family" since they first came out...he caved!!!! yay!!!!
he also put this in my stocking to buy some games and stuff....(just dance 2!)
And although it was the day before Christmas...this has made me very very happy as well....
Obviously I've only messed with it for an hour or so, but hopefully when I get through the manual and take a few hundred practice shots, I can take lovely pictures!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!
Best Grown up Christmas EVER!!!!! (nothing beats Christmas as a kid, no matter how hard you try)
I'm glad you got somewhat of a white Christmas! :) I can't wait to hear about your camera. You're going to love the Wii. It's so much fun. You need to get X-cite truck racing! :)
yay snow! didn't get that but our house was also filled with zhu zhu pets & hex bugs....also no joke-Jax got that same Zebra bouncing toy thing!
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