Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Never leaving the house....

So we dont' leave the house much lately.  I have TOO much to do here lately with all the invites to the different february parties, all of the healthy eatting that takes longer to prepare, all of the very important facebooking, decluttering, exercising, and of coarse, craft making....
 Boston pulls out paper, punches, glue sticks and scissors a few times a week and just sits there and makes things for a good hour.  He's my little Martha.
And this guy.  This guy just makes me happy.  Sometimes I think he doesn't need me.  He just walks around playing, making little messes and laughing....but then when he gets hurt, who does he run to?  and when he wants to be put up in his highchair, which is where he spends about 2/3 of his life, who does he run to?  and if I get down on my hands and knees he comes RUNNING to me laughing and tackles me.  It's my favorite.  he's amazing!!!!

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