Monday, February 8, 2016


So, even though this isn't our last move, last weeks move puts us in what is 99% sure, our LAST WARD!  It's been kinda hard on all of us to keep switching wards and finding our place and people in each ward.   I realized as I took Kam to her first mutual in this ward tonight, that it will be her last time to have butterflies walking into a new mutual as the new girl!!! Made me so happy! The move will just be a few feet across the street, so hopefully it won't be that much of a change either....and what change it will be is GREAT!  and CUSTOM!!! and OURS!!!! NO MORE RENTALS!!!! This is the year of Sue! (Mulders = Sue)

Now I'm leaving on a sweet little sleeping note. I LOVE that she likes to cuddle with stuffed animals, and give them all names, and be SO STINKING CUTE!!!!!!! (even with the world's worst self done hack job....4 months grown out....still bad)

1 comment:


I'm so glad you're closer to your happy place! I hate that I'm stuck in the valley but I guess we all have to pay our dues. Look at you though, its paying off finally and I can't wait to see that awesome plot of land next time we're up there, which will probably be from the months of May-September *whining