Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In the words of my good friend Napoleon D.

I don't feel very good!11 weeks down, 29 LONG weeks to go....this kid had bettered be amazing!


Shawna said...

Congrats! That's exciting! Your baby will be amazing...look at your other 3! I don't even know them but I can just tell from the photos. Hope you feel better soon, the beginning is always hard.

Jarrod & Lisa said...

OMG! Congratulations I had no idea until I popped in to check your blog this morning. Don't envy the whole morning sickness, but if I can help, LMK.

Melissa Fullmer said...

seriously???? all this time, all these emails and now you tell me???? sheesh!!! Congrats! she's gonna be adorable!!

Sarah Pace said...

Congrats~!! thats exiting! do you want a boy or a girl?
hope you feel better!

Amy McKane said...

What wonderful news!!! I look forward to following this pregnancy, and I hope you get feeling better soon.

Love & best wishes.

Harshes said...

I KNEW IT! I am sooooooo happy for you guys! Woohooo!

Burgess said...


Jen Jacobs said...

yea!! We're just 2 months apart, guess we will be joining Biggest Loser together :) Congrats!!!

Shandi said...

Congrats!!! You kids are really super of course this baby is going to join the group.. That is awesome. Good luck with the whole being sick thing. Congrats again.

Dayna said...

YAY!! Congratulations! We are halfway there. 20 more weeks to go!

Megan said...


K Bailey said...

Oh yea! Congrats congrats congrats!!!! And cute little announcement!

LuAnne said...

Congrats :) I'm so happy for you! The announcement is way cute!

Nat said...

Yea! The word is out! Congrats and I really hope you are feeling better soon- then you can come over and hang out. Exciting!

Kourtney Dawn said...

YAY!!! Its about time!!!

Jessica said...

YEA!!! I am so excited and its about time! This is the best news I've heard all day! I hope you are going to find out what it is...because I want to know and I am not good at waiting! Congrats! YEA!!!

Michelle and Javier said...

Woo hoo! I knew you wanted one! LOL Congrats!

Laura said...

Congratulations!!! You guys make such cute kids. Sorry you're not feeling good. It's not easy when you have others to take care of. Good luck and keep us posted!

Staci said...

YAY! Congratulations Jason and Kristal!

Biddle Family said...

Congrats! I am super excited for you... babies are SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!!! I am loving Tagg right now!

my stay-at-home-momma drama said...

Oh my goodness! Congrats! I'm due 8/25. It's gonna be a hot summer!!!

Crystal Price said...

AWESOME!!!! You are passing me up now! Hope you feel better soon.

Alicia said...

That is awesome news! Way to go, Hatch!
I lost your e mail address (sorrrrrry). Would you mind e mailing me? That way I can get you a blog invite and you can know all of my secrets.

Crystal said...

Woot! You make cute kids!

j&krosser said...

Hooray!! How exciting! I totally wish upon you the easiest baby.

Raysha said...


Amy John said...

Wow... where have I been?? That's pretty awesome you guys. Congrats!!!! You freaking beat me!!!

AudyCamp said...

CONGRATS you sneaky little thing...I was wondering when we'd hear the announcement. That wasn't thanks to Jamaica was it?..I've lost track of time.

Cara Fish said...

Yea! That's so cool! Who knew? Yes, we'll be expanding at equal intervals! I'm technically due Oct 5...but they'll never make it that long!

Yea again! You're such a good mom!

Sarah Pace said...

Hey I found out today I am due Dec. 3rd also! How fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I didn't realize you were going to be having one so soon, so exciting! No wonder you were not the B.L champ. Wish I had a good excuse why I wasn't, I can't wait to see this new little Mulder addition! Hope you feel better quick.

Reina said...

congrats! That is very exciting.

Reina said...

congrats! That is very exciting.

Tiff Hunt said...

HOORAY!!! That is so exciting!!!

Abbey said...

That is so exciting! Congrats!

Sarah Pace said...

We are due the same day! if you didn't read that on an earlier comment I left. I actually am not scared of 4. people say any after 3 its all the same! plus 2 of them will be in school so there will only be the 2 during the day at home. So i'm pretty exited! as far as names go. we have no clue for a boy name but we have a couple for a girl. Lexie or courtney but it will probaly change!!! don't you want an Olivia?

Sarah Pace said...

We are due the same day! if you didn't read that on an earlier comment I left. I actually am not scared of 4. people say any after 3 its all the same! plus 2 of them will be in school so there will only be the 2 during the day at home. So i'm pretty exited! as far as names go. we have no clue for a boy name but we have a couple for a girl. Lexie or courtney but it will probaly change!!! don't you want an Olivia?

Levi and Suzi said...

Congrats Mulders!!

Miken Harding said...

I knew you weren't gonna let Audra and I have all the fun!:) Congrats...I can't wait to get this kid out. Hope your feeling good! I'm rooting for another 11 pounder for you!

The Sanderson Family said...

Holy Crap!!!! You gave me so much crap just the other day about Taylor and how you are not gonna have one!!! Blah!!! You big NERD!! Anyway...Congrats and that is seriously the cutest way ever to make the big announcement!! So CUTE!!! Seriously!!! So check out my see the most AWESOME FAMILY PICTURES that some awesome girl took! Hmmm...I think her name is Kristal or something like that! So...thanks again!!! Hey and LMK if there is anything I can do for you and your little pregnant tummy!! :)

Lisa said...

Congrats!! Don't worry about your weight you look great and you will look great at the end. It is just baby weight and look it is well worth it! Love the annoucement.