Today as we were driving down Porter Ave (a local st. you never go over 35 in JC mind you) I had my 3 kids and a friend, all unbuckled but sitting on their butts in the middle seat of the suburban. Boston saw a cop car (it was parked at the officer's house) and he yelled, "OPPP!!" and curled up in a ball on the floor of the car. What a good hick I'm raising!
Shame on you! Don't you know that the majority of car accidents happen within 2 miles of home?
oh my.... that's all i have to say
Yea, I definately know that...but don't you remember that there is only about 1 accident every couple of years here and no one is ever hurt? haha...well, other than the drunk kids that drive their motorcycles in the badlands.
One of the town cops (who was also pulled over and warned for having his kids out of a seatbelt) came into Jaden's class the last week of school and now Jaden is super strict with all of us about seatbelts. Whatta law abiding citizen!
First reaction, I Laughed. Second reaction, my good friend just landed with 3 kids in the hospital 5 houses down from theirs and it wasn't pretty the way the news media portrayed the kids not properly wearing their seatbelts. Also, having your 1 year old, 4 year old and 3 year old in casts and wheelchairs was the worst thing in the world. OK, done with sad horror story. Gotta love small town livin; :) Can't wait to see you guys.
My kids know all about the "fuzz". Even when they are in seatbelts they duck their heads down. We try to teach them the important things early on.
what a terrible mom you are...sheesh! I would NEVER let my kids go anywhere without their seatbelts.. especially in this town. It's pretty much been voted one of the worst places to have your kids unbuckled for the 2 minute drive down main street. And the traffic here is terrible! You definetly need to be more careful here. Good kids, bad cop!
Ok people...anytime we go over 35, or out of JC, we're buckled. Thanks for the boost in being a great mom though, I could really use it right now!
Alright Kristal, I'll be a horrible mom with you. I do the same thing (along with lots of other people). But all these people made me feel like a horrible mother so I'm gonna do better. It's so hard to get all buckled up when you're just going a couple blocks down.
yea, and when there are so many stop signs you never make it over 30mph plus um, traffic, it's you and one other car, usually across town! Guess you hafta live the country life to realize it's not a brittney spears situation.
Was it Danny's cop car that he saw? Was it? I hope so because then we'll be famous.
Also, I don't think I ever wore my seatbelt driving around town when I was growing up. And I have awesome parents.
I love this story. It's cuuuuute!
Yes, it was Danny's, we were dropping off Christopher Widdle out there at the end of Porter.
Yea, I used to sit on my dad's lap all the way to Mexico and back...while he was driving and I was 3. I'm not the WORST parent...I take it back...mine were...haha, Just kidding. I hope I'm the same kind of parent mine are!
Kudos Alicia. Why do women judge eachother so harshly? There were no carseats when I was a kid & no one ever wore a seat belt driving around McLaws Road & I'm alive & well to tell about it.
That is so funny! I wish my kids would be like Boston. I never buckle them when we are just going across town. And when we pass a cop....I have to yell and scream...sit down!!! And we are lucky if they sit down in time for the cop to NOT see us! Oh and Alicia...Shhhhh!!! Don't tell Danny! Yea that is hilarious that Jarrod got pulled over for not having kids in car seats...although he swears it was lisa's fault cause he HAD to go somewhere and lisa had the car seats with her! Ha Ha!
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