Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What I'm thinking about today....

I know none of you miss this body like I do, but someone out there has got to miss my short hair cut. I've gotta get that body back to get that cute short hair cut again.
Goal: cute body and cute hair cut by 31st birthday!


(Bloomfield Family) said...

I loved it! Seriously you looked hot with your hair like that...you look good either way but I loved it short! It's fun long thoughj:)

Harshes said...

Very sweet pic! And I love your hair like that too. You should do it again now.

Burgess said...

YES! That hair is SEXAY!

Miken Harding said...

Great goal! Love the work out picture! Way to stay fit!

Staci said...

So cute!! you look great with short hair! I love how nurturing your facial expressions are. It is amazing to me the joy and love in holding your children!

Tamee said...

Wanta know what I'm thinking of?
How yummy this bagel with whipped cream cheese tastes at 10:00 at night. Yummy! And I know that the little girl, whom shall remain nameless until we think of a stinking name, is thinking, "Send more bagels down"