Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My mean love life....Part I

The earliest imposition on my singles days that I can remember was little Scottie Jones in the 8th grade. He was the cool kid, a bit chubby then, that has the coolest spikey hair. We had been friends for years, and I remember in Jr. High it was the cool thing to “go out”. Which for Scottie and I meant, holding hands, not talking, dedicating the song “bubba shot the jukebox” at the town family dance, not kissing, and not looking at each other directly for more than 2 seconds. It was great! The butterflies, the tingles, and then I was bored. So of coarse I did what any bored 8th grader would do, and I had my friend Devon call him up and break up with him for me. And I was done with him.
Then I flew solo for a couple of years, writing cheesy letters and receiving even cheesier. Like a letter I wrote to a friend named Tim asking him who he liked in what was probably the lamest, least subtle way ever. And receiving his answer of, “the girl I like is really good at around the world (the basketball game that I had just beat him at the night before). Again, slight tingles, a few butterflies, but nothing ever came of anything until sophomore year. The tall, dark, skinny guy with great hair…Stacy. He was a junior and we had Spanish class together. We had flirted for a long time, and then one magical night at a school dance, we were dancing to, “I will always love you”, by Whitney Hou
ston, and he asked, in a very fragmented way, “will you…..go out…..with me?.
Of course I said yes! I was soo excited. And this relationship went a step farther than the pervious with Mr. Jones. We actually talked…a lot. He would leave flowers on my doorstep, to which my dad would ask, “Who are these from?”. I would tell him I didn’t know. Then Staci would tell me the next day that he took them out of the Shelly’s yard. Awww, how wonderfully cheap of him. We went to prom together, held hands everywhere, went to baseball games together, and then I broke up with him. I don’t remember how, and I don’t remember why, but it’s all for the better, he’s now married to my best childhood friend Celeste.
Part II coming....


j&krosser said...

I don't want to spoil anything but is there going to be something about "destiny". I still giggle a little when I here that word-sorry.

Burgess said...

You kissed Stacy?!?! He was the freaking hottest! You lucky girl!

kristal said...

no no no, we didn't kiss....we took it to the next step of talking. We danced a lot, held hands, talked a lot and hugged, but never kissed. I didn't kiss ANYONE from JC.

And Kit, stay tuned for the exciting times of Michael J. Rogers!

Burgess said...

I should've known. Stacy was too respectful and perfect to do anything so crazy as kiss.

Crystal said...

I really like your dress. And that picture backdrop - so romantic.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Kristal...You crack me up! Can't wait for part two of your LOVE SAGA

Miken Harding said...

LOVE IT!!! you are crazy-so fun, great memories. That will be great for your kids to know about you later in life!

Miken Harding said...

Can't wait for part II

Anonymous said...

Hey sister - I posted how to can butter on my comments on my blog. Super easy - you gotta do it.

Jill said...

Are Jinny and Alona with Heber guys? I vaguely remember that.

I DIG on the dresses!

Alona said...

I LOVE all of your relationship posts. You made me stay up like an hour past my bedtime! This picture cracks me up. I remember wanting to switch Jinny dates. I liked Treg, but I LOVED Jody! :)

Em said...

Too funny! The guy in the front cracks me up. It's like he's snarling.