Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bossy (be forewarned, the last two pictures are GROSSS)

Today's post is all about a special little 2 year old. Still cuddly, still smiley, still happy, easy going and a good listener. Doesn't that seem messed up? Every morning I wake up and think, "will today be the day he turns naughty?" And maybe my perspective of naughty has changed since I've learned real naughtinesss, but my older two hit naughty at 18 months and didn't stop til they were about 4. Now it's off and on. But this guy...ALMOST 3 and still sweet. For example... He falls asleep in random places. I love it. I had just barely threw him on the love sac and he crashed out...sadly I had to wake him right after this picture because he was wearing underwear and isn't quite trained...more on that in a sec.
Or for example, he knows how men live on Sunday their underwear, with food, feet up watching basketball. We didn't give him food, or the remote and he settled in and turned it to basketball....
Now the semi naughtiness. The dude is always eatting, doesn't care what, chocolate, bananas, whole wheat flour, boogers, whatever, he's an eatter, and his face is very messy, but the second you tell him it's messy, he's in wiping it....

Now on to our 2nd potty training attempt. The first one lasted half a day so I didn't even take record of it. This one, well, we're on day 4.
Potty - 0
Floor - 18
But we're not giving up hope.
This is a shot of him when I first saw what had happened....
And here's a shot of him when he saw that I couldn't help but laugh. NAUGHTY!

Keep your fingers crossed that this is our final attempt to potty train...the other 2 trained at 3 and a half. blah!


Jessica said...

Good luck! I HATE potty training! I always think that I'd send my kids off for a week to have someone else do it if I could!

Amy John said...

Those last 2 pictures are hilarious! I'm sorry, I have no PT advice for you. I hate it though, I can tell you that much. Good luck!

LuAnne said...

I'm still struggling with Aiden on the potty training thing. He needs to learn to Poo in the toilet! Good luck :)

Shawna said...

Potty training is no fun! It is pretty funny to hear what works for each kid though.
His little face is adorable in the pictures where he pooped on the floor. He's so stinkin cute!

AudyCamp said...

Aaahhhhh! THat's disgusting & hilarious at the same time:)

Laura said...

Oh Kristal I am feelin for ya! There were some logs that I found a few hours too late with Mav. That's when I got into scentsy. I'll pray for you!!!

scooping it up said...

Yeah, we are in the throes of potty training. Jane goes potty like a champ now but the poop is rough. We were in PBkids and she pooped in her underwear. It was nasty. We talk a lot about how Ariel and Belle don't want to get pooped on (of course she wears princess undies). That seems to help a little. Good luck!