Monday, February 16, 2009

14 days of valentines....

This year I decided to do the 14 days of valentines for Jase. some days were total bombs, and the other days were ok. I'll never do it again. But first, I've gotta show the cute little mail boxes we've had out all of Feb. WE just randomly leave notes and treats for each other in them. The kids LOVE IT! Ok, so the first day of valentines was foot massage, 2nd day, sunglasses (each day came with a poem that explains why), 3rd day a gift certificate for his favorite resturant, 4th day, a tool, 5th day a pie, 6th day balloons with messages in them, 7th day me, 8th day ice cream, 9th day hugs and kisses (the candy), 10th day a detailing of his car, 11th day a hot date, 12th day a shirt, 13th day tickets to his favorite sports game, 14th day a key to my heart (or wigwams) I was soo excited because I knew the kids woul dlove it and Jase has always wanted to. So I covered his eyes, went and got the key, he figured out where we were, th en we went to Denny's for a nice romantic Valentines dinner with the kids and then back to the wigwam to watch spongebob and trading spouses all night. Not the most romantical valentines, but it was fun!
In case you've wondered what the inside of the wigwams looks like.... (without jase's butt)

the most uncomfortable bed EVER! I didnt' sleep a wink that night...and we had to talk in church the next day...blah!

note to self: Never sleep in a wigwam again.
2nd note to self: Be sure and mark it off your goal list and stop putting such stupid things on your goal lists!!!!


K Bailey said...

Did you see the Oprah episode where she and her friend spent the night in those wigwams in Holbrook too? Maybe you slept in the same bed as Oprah!!!

kristal said...

Oprah is a pansy and didn't end up staying because the windows were too small, but I measured the window, and it was big enough for all of us to fit through if there were a fire...but yea, maybe not Oprah (SISSY!)

LuAnne said...

I did the 14 days of Valentine's for Steve when we were dating. It was fun, but it got expensive after a while! Cute idea though. Looks like you had fun at the Wigwams. I always wanted to stay in one, then I saw the inside of them & then decided I would pass :)

Abbey said...

You're a nice wife! Cute mailboxes too. So Norman Gentle made it into the top 36, yay! Yeah he won't go far though, sad. Um, Ben works at a civil engineering firm called Hubbard Engineering, it's in Gilbert. Ben's friend Scott works at Midfirst Bank, that's where the trophy was. Yay for hook-ups. And yeah, def still call him Paunch! I myself never caught on to the nickname, but all of his friends still refer to him as that, I don't know if I've ever heard them call him Ben.

dani said...

your such a cute wife. Those Wigwams are...interesting. We spent a night there like 3 days after we were married. Very interesting..the shower was the size of a bread box and it smelled like Indians but it was fun. At least you can cross it off your list!

Staci said...

WOW! That is such a great idea Kristal you are a genius! I love the little mail boxes too! Super Cute! So, I want to hear more about how and why you ended up sleeping in a wigwam and where it was? Hope you are doing great! I miss our chats!

Miken Harding said...

Fun-great idea, love the mail boxes...where did you get those?

kristal said...

Staci, the wigwam idea was because we put it on our list of 101 things to do before we hit 40 (on my sidebar) and I didn'it feel like being romantical this valentines, and I told Jase I'd take charge, so 2 and 2 = wigwams...they are only about 8 miles from our house.
Miken the mailboxes are from Target...their little dollar bins at the front.

Kourtney Dawn said...

My cousins stayed in the wigwams, she was pregnant, pretty sure neither of them would fit through the window!!! They said it was horrible!! Oh well good memories!!!

Randa said...

Did you "Do It" in the wigwam?

Kristal said...

oh my gosh, that's gotta be SAM! We had the children, the children!
Think of the children would you!

Alona said...

I love the wigwams! We once shot a stupid video there.