Ok, it's just a day off....kind of. We've had a few extra kids, but we started the day by cleaning everything. And while the kids have been playing, I've been doing a boot camp workout video, organizing and trying to figure out things for the evening when the friends leave.
I get to help Jaden with his scouts project and he has to plan a menu plan for the week for the family and I found this awesome downloadable menu plan:
I also realized as I was going through my organizing, that both my 3 ring binder for my control journal is looking warped...it's about 7 years old and gets used daily, and my 3 ring binder full of ideas I've torn out of magazines for home decor, holiday ideas, kid's crafts, party ideas and fashion ideas is getting a bit full. It's not trashed, but it's full and un organized...so I found
And yea, they're a bit spendy. But if I'm only buying one every 7 years...come on! I use this sucker daily. It needs to be adorable. I did find them a couple of dollars cheaper on my lovely amazon, plus free shipping, so I'll probably go with that. But I love days like this. Worked out, have eatten fruits and veggies all day (and peanut butter), kids are all happy and good, got lots of cleaning and organizing done, and now I'm going to take a load of old magazines that I'm trying to purge and get in the bath and tear out the pages I wanna keep. I haven't left the house in days, but my life is gooood. ezz reaalllly guud.
and what post would be complete w/o a picture. My next shoot, I wanna save half of it for some drawer pulls for the kitchen...and they will be forks, spoons and knives.
As an organization person, I appreciated both of your links! I love productive days. I'm still working on making mine super productive! :)
Those are SO cute!! I just want new cabinets...or someone to refinish them for me. I did'nt do very good last time!
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