Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The book....

This is the book I was talking about in my other post.... I didn't have time to sit and read it at Time Out, but I loved the pictures, so I got it, and when I was going to ask Hilary Weeks to sign it (there is a CD with a few of her Christmas songs on it, including a great song about the obok called "God bless your way") I asked her if this book is really as good as it looks, and she said, "well, I really like it...have you heard the song?" I told her no, she said, "oh, well just trust me that you'll love it". So she signed it "to the adorable Mulder kids with love Hilary Weeks" and we're giving it to them Chrismas Eve. But they all fell asleep on the way home so I popped in the CD, and you can kind of follow the book with the first song, it just takes the quotes out of the book, and it is seriously the sweetest book. I LOVE IT and I'm so glad I bought it. I'm thinking about buying it for my neighbors for Christmas as well. Anyway, that's my book recomendation of the year...yes I only read one a year and yes, it's usually a kid's book. ha!


Dayna said...

that looks like a good book! i love the kind that have the cd's to go along with them.

Burgess said...

hey thanks for new headers -- I love them!!

Anna said...

is that a kid's book? i haven't heard of it before - thanks for the head's up - it looks like a perfect christmas gift!