Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My wonderful weekend....

Ahh, first let's start with saying how good Time Out for Couples was. Notice I didn't say great, just because I've been to marriage RS lessons that I learned more from, but the talks were great, the music was great, the company was great (thanks Jen, Greg, Holly and Brett), and the time with Jase was great, and I'll probably go again next year, but I do think we learned more how to stregnthen our marriage from the books we've read over the last year (how to date your spouse and the 5 love languages, both great).
Then the next morning Vonda and I headed out to TOFW (and girls) to fold flyers and then Holly and I somewhat welcomed people as they came in.
Then it started. I've gotta say my favorite speaker was a dude...I know, I hate learning how to be a better woman from a dude, but John Hilton III was hilarious and somewhat deep. I'd really like to buy one of his books on CD if anyone can recommend one. And the amazing Hilary Weeks, I hate cliches, but seriously she sounds like a freaking angel (I think freaking takes the cliche out of it). But my favorite part of the day..... If only we could have gotten Tamee there...next year sister, next year! WE really did miss you, we even said the only person that could even TRY to take your place would be Hilary or Jenny Jordan, so that's nice huh? We love you!

We had some time during the 20 minute break for me to practice my modeling poses next to a big stage, so I took advantage....

This was my excitement to meet John Hilton...that's his head behind me....
I couldn't resist, so I....
tapped him on the shoulder and had Vonda ready for a quick pic...notice the excitment in both of our eyes. He loved it, I can tell!
Then it was time to stalk my girl Jenny. I LOVE LOVE LOVE her voice. I could tell she wanted to be better friends with my sister Vonda though, so I....
started stalking Hilary....find waldo.

She caught me!

And then she asked if she could get a picture with me, and we talked for a while...I told her I felt like a giant, and she said, and I quote "no no no, you don't know how badly I wish I had your inches". unquote. She wishes she had something of mine!!! Hilary Weeks!!!!

Ok, so maybe I did stalk Abe... a little, but I know he liked it. When we first started talking, he even used the line, "where do I know you from? You look familiar?"...ha, like I haven't heard that one before Abe. This is me being the crazy stalker in the background with no patience to wait in the fan line.
Kissy the head
THen he turned around, rather promptly might I add, and asked, "can we get a real picture together now?". Um, heck yea babe, I mean Abe!
Don't say anything. Guys dig taller girls (right?)
Then he asked if he could meet some of my family, you know, the next step...I'll keep you all informed on how that all pans out, or doesn't.

Then Dani and Vonda and myself went to get the magical magic pedicures at the magical magic place. I'm the snowman toes in blue. I love em...so do my kids. You know when you sometimes do silly things just so your kids will think you're rad...like wear a star wars shirt, or spongebob socks...yea, that's what these toenails are....]
The day ended with a killer 5 coarse meal at cheesecake factory. I thought it was going to be my last food for a couple of weeks, but I didn't start the cleanse til Monday...haha...pumpkin cheesecake Mmmmm. Jase and I were worn out, but look at that cute little dwarf behind us...soo cute!


Jaime said...

HOW FUN!!! Love the snowman toes! I'll have to remember the tips to make me COOL to my kids! lol Oh i've sent you a few emails. Not sure if you check that email very often or not.

Jessica said...

I wanna go get my toes done there! They are SO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that looks like such an amazing time! I love all your stalker shots!

Megan said...

So much fun! I went to TOFW a couple year ago and LOVED it!! I would love to go again!

Love Hilary Weeks, never listened to Jenny, but now I am going to check her out!

That book!! I want one please!

Abbey said...

It'll be interesting to hear how the diet goes, I tried it for like 37 hours and gave up. Food commercials were practically screaming at me.
Yup, we're here in the valley, we're moving out to Queen Creek here in the next week or so, but I'd totally make the drive! We do definitely need to meet!
Oh, and the next baby's name is going to be Devin.

Em said...

Kristal, I love this.

I love Jenny Frogley, and I love that you went around stalking Hilary Weeks and that Abe guy, whoever he is. And that Hilton guy, whoever he is. I obviously don't keep up with the Mormon celebrities. :) Glad someone does!

Yay for TOFW!

AudyCamp said...

definitely HAVE to come next year!!! looks like a blast..love the stalker shots too...something I would do:)

Anna said...

looks like a great time - you've inspired me to go one!

Anna said...

p.s. that little guy in the last shot is soooo adorable!