They were all at my house last week and my mom picked up a Victoria's Secret catalog. She flipped through a few pages before saying, "wow, this is porno!". You just gotta love a mom that calls porn porno!!! She's the bomb! And yes mom, I agree, it is porno, but mom, look at the adorable clothes that some of them have on! (last comment influnced by satan, I know!)
Yes that is what my mom would call it! I think she feels like she was sinning just by walking by the store in the mall...even though I have convinced her that as long as you stay on the parfum (oops) side you are generally safe...crap how do you spell that again? oh well!
I'm disappointed that she didn't throw the "d" (darn) word in there also. Keith tells me I have to stop getting that catelog now that Garrett is getting bigger. I'm like you, I love the clothes. That's the only place I can find long pants.
I like the new cartoon, but I think the hair still needs to be darker.
That's as dark as it will let me make the hair w/o making it dark blue. And yes, it's country girl dressing city.
And yes, I unsubuscribed for about 3 eyars, and just resubscribed (thanks to koe). I need to unsubscribe again though because they have all the same stuff plus some online.
Hey I like the porno on the right. Sexy bikini!
i agree with j&jrosser:) Your funny! make sure Jaden doesn't get ahold of that magazine though....satan's sneaky!
I agree, it was soft PORNO. BTW, it was a lovely dinner.
consider it gone! I've unsubscribed today! Thank you my amazing examples...oh and thank you koe for reminding me to subscribe, so I coudl see what a hot body looks like so I could be motivated to drop more lbs! I love you all!
Why don't you oder yourself an Easter dress out of VS? Have them send it express.
We had a missionary that wouldn't even come in our house because we had VS magazines. Sorry for my bad influence, but it's my motivation too.
Zane ordered me some stuff out of there once so we started getting magazines sent to "Zane Ewton" -- it was shortly after Paul and Holly moved in with us and I know they saw it and probably thought he was a sicko. Hee hee.
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