Monday, July 29, 2013

Horse Field and Pioneer Day (vivvy usual)

 This last weekend we cancelled all plans and went up to mom and dad's so we could hang out with the Jones's.  It was a fabulous weekend.  Vivian got to learn all about girl toys.  She cuddled with a Dora blanket doll, and had tea parties with Aunt Tamee....

And then I FINALLY got to do the shoot I've been wanting to do since before Viv was born....a bubble bath in a huge grassy horse field.  Mom and Dad's house comes with an acre of horse field...and yes, there were really horses in there...which I'm afraid of, but kinda hoped they would pop in the background...but they didn't.  Vivvy is pointing up in the first one because there was thunder.

And then of coarse some pre church pics in the field....she was a bit happier for them...

 And this guy...he's really been trying to befriend Vivian.  It's working.  She likes to just back up to him and plop on his lap and help him with whatever he's doing.  I love it!!!
One of the highlights of the weekend was of coarse the Pioneer Day Parade!  It was awesome...and as always, my favorite part was the Indian dancers.  For some reason, it always makes me choke up...weird, I know. I just love them!
 Grandpa sat back and shared some candy with Baby Bibs after he....
 yelled to Senator Flake "you made a wrong choice on your vote Senator!" which Flake replied, "which one?"...ahh we all had so many answers for that....but dad just said, "You know which one Jeff".  I just love my dad and politics together!!!!
 and holy crap, these kids got SO much candy...and mostly salt water taffy of every kind....a weakness for all of us adults!
This handsome devil FINALLY let me snap a shot of him!  He never lets me take his picture! If I looke d like that I'd want my picture taken all the time!!!
 And the beautiful ladies and their massive church hair....

 I'm so glad these guys have a sister! SO glad.  Jase and I are grateful every day that we were blessed with another girl so that all the kids can have a brother and a sister.  It's so fun to watch their sweetness.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

back in the game..

About a year ago, my camera took a spill, and ever since, it hasn't had very good of focus (some of you may have noticed)...but I haven't said anything because I knew it would effect business.  So I have silently been working with a camera that I now know had a broken tracking system...which screws up the focus badly!  But alas I was able to get it fixed ($300, ugh!) and wahlah! I want to shoot my kids all day long again! I love it!  I kinda felt like my 7th kid was in recovery all year (foxxie counts as my 1st kid).   It all feels so complete now.  Ok ok, it felt complete before, but I like having confidence in my photogrpahy again.  Sorry to anyone who has had a shoot in the last 9 months.  Hopefully you were all happy with them....if not...I'll reshoot!!!!

So I started with the first thing I saw when popped my lens on....Pearcey Paul in time out!  He kinda goes to "the box" about 5x a day lately.  Sweetest kid ever unless he finds something he wants to throw, or a sweet 1 year old that he wants to push down right after he loves on her.  

 And then, Viv woke up, so I put her on the bed.  She wasn't very fond of it at first....

 but then she slowly started LOVING being in big sister's bed with all the big white fluffiness and billions of stuffed animals...

 She started poking noses and giving kisses to each of the stuffed friends.

 And then pearce found his place in front of the tv again.  My kids all LOVE Tv from the age of about 3-5.  It cracks me up.  and now my older 3 watch maybe half hour or an hour a day, and get bored.  But Pearce, we'll read books, do puzzles, he loves to help me bake/cook, but right when I say, 'what's your plan today?" He always says, "watch dora on da tv in yous woom"  I'm a bad mom, but he probably watches a good 2 hours of tv a day.  I still hold onto hope that he'll turn out a pretty decent man someday.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Random Happies....

These two are ridiculous. I've found it's not just them though, which as a mother of tweens is a big "whew!". I thought maybe I was raising kids that would never love each other, but they do...they just have moments...a lot of moments.  I was so happy the other night when I heard a lot of talking and giggling, and then later went back and found this.....
 Kam never sleeps in her bed, but she usually sleeps with the little boys every night and this night, she chose Jaden...and Jaden allowed...both rare.

And then of coarse a shot of Viv.  she was in her 4th of July best for church last week.  She had some crazy hair going on, that I said I woudl fix before church, but didn't...but she fits into my old Christmas dress! I love it!! I want to scoop her up and eat her...which I do.. a lot.   Look at those little baby doll eyes and tiny pouty lips.  She's just a perfect little size right now, and is so easy and sweet.  She does do one naughty thing..she climbs.  She climbs on EVERYTHING.  She's alway on the kitchen table, or climbing into her stroller.  She's so awesome though.  She's a huge dancer.  Loves to dance with one shoulder, and both hands waving.  Mmm, happiness!

Ikea saves the day....again!

Um, I don't know if I'm the only one that has the 4 o clock panic hour, but at about 4 o clock every single day, the kids get some energy...which I KNOW is funneled from my energy stock, because about the same time, I want to go lay down...but alas, it's time to get dinner going, and Vivian starts screaming...she's a definite screamer, and can only be sufficed by being held...which I STINK at when I'm running around the kitchen making dinner.  But the other day....someone left the dishwasher open (thank you naughty child that didn't close it) and she took out all of our Ikea cups and stacked....and stacked....and then did some stacking, and then some more...STACKING...for a good 45 minutes or so!  I flipped on some tunes, threw on my apron and finished making dinner in complete and utter happiness!  THANK YOU IKEA!

And his heart grew 3 sizes that night...

I'm not just sayinig this because he's my kid, but no one in the world has a bigger heart than Boston.  NO ONE.  He is the most selfless kid I've ever met in my life.  He just wants to make sure everyone is happy at all times.  He especially loves to make sure his little brother and sister happy.  We had a box from Costco the other day and of coarse, he found a way to make it a fun wagon for baby Bib. He got her an animal and pulled her around.

 And then she thought she'd try it out as a bed.  She literally laid there for a good 5 minutes. (long time for a walking toddler)
 And then I just wanted to snap a few shots of this cute face.  I dont' know if he's had a shirt on all summer.  He's my shirtless wonder.
 And he's in a bunny ear stage....even gave some to himself in this shot...
 I think the world of Boss, and he makes my heart relax even on the most stressful days.

And of coarse, Pearcen with his good pal Strat.  These two are hilarious.  Unfortunately, Stratton loves to do everything Pearcen does, and Pearcen is now realizing that he's the bigger kid, and likes to make Stratton go to the ground at least once a day.  But 80% of the time, they're best buddies.