Saturday, October 1, 2011

18 weeks....

Alright, there have been a few requests for a baby bump picture, and even though I'm not a fan of my body AT ALL right now, i know I'll wish I had these.  And yes, my arm is that big, and yes, my butt is that low. I just started working out again this week....hopefully the next pic will be better.  But my baby is the size of an avocado....not the cantaloupe that I show it to be.  And I was smiling for the pic, but that one was super blurry (J taking it with the iphone) so I just put this one up.  Blah!  There you have it.


Biddle Family said...

you look GREAT!!!!!! I wish i looked as good as you & im not prego. smile.. YOURE HOT

Elissa said...

you look great! maybe you should come visit me so i can fatten you up. your tiny thighs are screaming for some pumpkin nutella pie!

The Giles Files said...


David Allred said...
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Allred's said...

when do you get your ultrasound?