Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Pearcen's new trick...check out the lower lip.....
 Pearcen's favorite new spot...the chair in the corner
 The valentine garland we made for FHE....
 Our Valentine mailboxes that we put out every year for each other....
 my coupons for the mailboxes.....
 How could I NOT take a picture of this?!?!?!?!?!
 He decided to push his lamb around....
 Then play cars...I know, I know, this is all so boring to you onlookers, but seriously, he's just so fun for me to follow around!

 Ah, Boss saw that the camera was out...he said, "weet me show you my mooooves"

 Ugh! I want to eat him up!  Look at those dimple!!!!


Kourtney Dawn said...

Ahhhh! I love the valentines coupons! and I love Pearce! He is so cute!

amanda.hall said...

He is seriously so cute. You should have another one just like that. =) Oh and I love the post with all the apples... too cute.

Koi said...

Where do you get all your great ideas? Ahhh, to get inside that "Witch" brain of yours.....I'd never come back out.

P.S. How's it going with the disposable diapers? My mom used them on 5 of her 6 kids. I'm afraid of the pins. Wait are there still pins?

Woodside's said...

Those are two adorable boys! Boys are so FUN!