Monday, March 15, 2010

post a day....sugar addiction and chicken eggs

Sometimes, when no one is holding him, and he feels all alone....
Sometimes when it's been 3 hours and he hasn't had a bottle....
Sometimes when he's playing with the Spongebob toy and he smacks himself in the head because he doesn't have good hand control....
Somtimes when he looks out the window, and realizes the family he's chosen to come to..... he cries.
Boston has now taken over Kamryn's old position of egg fetcher. The position belongs to whichever kid doesn't realize it's a chore, and still thinks it's fun and exciting to go all the way over to the chicken coop with a bucket, bowl, big tshirt on, or a few trips with just bare hands and get the gross dirty eggs, bring them in, show them to all with excitment, then rinse the grossness off of them before putting them in an egg carton and then to the fridge...for now that somebody is Boss man.
Other happenings in my lack of life...Abed.
I really hope that all within reading distance of my blog have already watched and are now addicted to Community. Best freaking show ever. HILARIOUS! Perfeclty cast, but #1 perfectly cast person.....Abed. again...HILARIOUS!

21 day cleanse...check
next 21 day, 7 days.
I'm still pretty much eatting only fruits and vegetalbes, with about 5 sneaks of sugar a day...if I looked like this eatting sugar.....

I'd be ok, but I don't...I look like this......

Lissy and I are trying a new diet's healthy, and reasonable. I'm shooting to lose 5lbs every 2 weeks for a month or two. and yes, I'm 15lbs from my goal weight now...I was 9, but now 15...I stink.


Jessica said...

That is so cute! Beau has been bugging me FOREVER to get chickens,but I am too big of a chicken! haha! I guess as long as I didn't have to have anything to do with them it would be ok! We need to get something though, Mason is deathly afraid of my sisters CAT!

j&krosser said...

1. cute baby 2. I want chickens too 3. I hate Thursday- I am a slave to the TV 4. I wish I even looked like the second girl chowing down