Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A little update at 37 weeks and 4 days.....

Alright, so we go in this weekend for a check, Jase is thinking they might just induce me since I'm the world's biggest bellied pregnant person, plus we're going to try accupuncture this weekend. But if not, they WILL induce me next Thursday, so either way, about a week til I get to meet this big ole baby. Um, I've been trying to think positively, you know around 9 or 10 pounds, but here's what I got last time... Boston at a week old...HUGE! BUt yes, still freaking adorable. I have to say I am defaintely a fan of chubby cute babies. I would be so frantic and anxious if I got a tiny one, but for now, I'm anxious and frantic about the delivery of a monster....
Which makes me think, "really, will they keep getting bigger?, Will I end up with a 14 pounder like this lady?
I really thought I could keep the weight down on this one since I've been working out. I've only taken off about 3 weeks altogether this pregnancy of working out, and I'm back on it. 2 workouts a day, and I'm eatting ok....by ok I mean, MUCH better than my last pregnancies, but still more than I was eatting this time last year. But yes, keep me and my woman parts in your prayers, because I have a feeling we're going to be busted to shreds w/in the week! UG!


Allred's said...

oh my gosh, 14 pounds would seriously hurt so bad, and she is smiling like it was harmless. I think not. Hang in there, it will all be worth it so soon. And then when I am pregnant, you can remind me of the same thing.

K Bailey said...

Oh I'm hoping for you too!!!! Mine were all c-sec and never over 7lbs so I really can't imagine! GOOD LUCK!

The Giles Files said...

Holy cow - please don't let him be 14 lbs! (I haven't commented on here for a long time, but I do read your posts - and I love 'em)

Anyway, my babies were in the 9 1/2 lb range and with the 3rd, I was so scared that I would have to deliver a "bowling ball". But they ended up inducing me 3 weeks early (pre -eclampsia - or however you spell it) and I loved being induced. For me it was far better that my first two deliveries (where my water broke on it's own). Far less painful - and that was with the fast-track pictocin. So Hannah ended up being 8lbs 3oz. She seemed SO tiny. But the recovery still seemed the same as my first two. (getting her here was easier). So having little and not so little babies...makes a little bit of difference, but 14 lbs has to be out of the question. Get him out and let him meet the world ASAP! (as if you have total control over that...) :)

Oh, and I am guessing 10 lbs 14 oz for your toddler, er I mean newborn baby.

kristal said...

Yea, Amy, I think she had him C section...wimp! haha, but no, it would still suck to carry thing huge of a baby at the end.
and yea, I felt a bit of a difference during delivery and especially post delivery down there between my 9 pounder and my 11 pounder. I think 11 is the magic hurt number. I think I could do 10 alright. We'll see.

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe its already time! How is it that your pregnancy flew by and mine took forever!?! Good luck! We'll be praying for a 9 pounder for you!

Becky said...

Holy Cow! That is a monster baby. Good thing she had a C-Section. Chubby babies are super cute though, but of course all I get are scrawny little things (but still cute).

Jamilyn said...

I cant imagine having a 9 pound baby so a 14 pound baby would make me freak out. My biggest has been about 4 1/2 pounds! I'm sure this one will be a little bigger since im hoping to at least make it to 37 weeks. i couldnt imagine having to deliver that big of a baby though
Hopefully you will deliver soon and it wont be too painful of a delivery! cant wait to see picts of your new bundle of joy!!!! GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the next little Mulder!!!!!!!!