I like these guys!
The guy I asked to take this picture was super amazed with my "beautiful camera"…yet he got mostly floor instead of tree in the shot. Aw well.
My little hidden bear…
This guy was walking by as Jase was taking this pictured and asked to be thrown in.
This is Jase and I kissing….
I broke off of the boardwalk (not supposed to) because I HAD to have a picture hugging one of these muthers!!!!!
The next day we road paddle boats at the Golden Gate Park around Strawberry Hill. At first it was fun and exciting….
Then we realized our guy didn't calculate correctly, and he should have put us on 2 boats, and our boat was super slow…and as we were announcing (in horse race style) the paddleboat race going on, elissa named our boat, "paddleboat of shame"…because everyone from "Tokyo" (which was really 3 boats full of fast Asian kids, to Purple hair…a guy with purple hair making his girlfriend do all of the paddling, were passing us up as if we were holding still (which we were some of the time, especially when we went too close to the edge and got high centered on a branch.
But then we were like, "yo who cares?! We're the coolest out here, we don't 'have to be the fastest!!!"
And the previous night was, well, my birthday!!! And our lovely friends Matt and Shelbi joined us at an amazing deep dish pizza place, and surprised me with some boxes of amazing desserts from a local pastry joint. SO much fun to catch up with them!!!!!
Sometimes my camera stops taking pictures and I get mad, and then of course, it takes when I'm making this face.
After Paddle Boat of Shame, we went around and checked out a few more things at GOlden Gate Park….
Then we tried to find an awesome place to eat, but parking was stupid, and then places were closing before we got to them, so we ate some more delicious pastries, then went to Bi-Rite Creamery and ate amazing ice cream, and then I was so large I got stuck in-between walls….
But oh no, that didn't stop us. Matt brought us some delicious claim chowder in bread bowls to eat on our triple date in a sedan. Pretty cozy!