In other news, Pearce is rolling all over the place, Boston is getting better with his speech and loves to say "________ is fweeekin me OUT!". I love it. And Kam, she's just busy being very social. Jaden, he's a big bad scout and has his life on a pretty tight schedule. He knows what days he has scouts, basketball practice, games and piano lessons...and he plans accordingly.
My latelys.....quilting with lissy, scrapbooking with lissy, working out with lissy, cooking with lissy, cleaning with lissy, remembering cool sayings from the past with lissy and taking volleyball championships....with lissy. yea, so when they move out in a few weeks...I'll be sad...obviously. It's like constantly having a sister around to hang out with and do stuff with and keep me motivated. I'll probably go back to sitting around and watching office reruns all day when she leaves. Sad.
Now on to my feelings about something public. Ok, nevermind...I'm too scared sitting here by this window with the crazy wind...and am now in fear of the power going out. So my opinioin is of the wind....NOT A FAN!!!