Friday, February 12, 2010


Today the kids were sooo excited to head out to school for their valentines party. We made really cute sugar cookies yesterday and they cut out hearts and put all of their friend's names on them. They both even wanted to dress valentinesy for the day. I LOVE EM! And I had to post this pic. We had a big ole super bowl party...VERY loud, over 20 kids under 8, and about 6 or 7 couples...very loud. But little Pearcey slept through the WHOLE thing in the floor of my bathroom with the fan on. He's a gem.

SPeaking of gems...bossmandoo was quite and out of sight, so of coarse we found him putting on all of my face cleaners and my $70 bottle of face lotion (we pay half...jase sells it..., but still!). Yea, he's amazing. Seriously one mess after another, but so freaking sweet and hilarious!


Melissa Fullmer said...

cute post, love your bathroom!

Jaime said...

You house looks beautiful, I would love to come for a tour sometime...ya know since I like NEVER come through JC! lol Our little guy HAS to have a box fan to sleep on any given night. Last night we stayed at my SILs and he woke up 27 times between 11:30 and 5am because we didn't have a fan annoying!! He's just such a light sleeper, we have NO choice!

Jessica said...

Thats so cute! I love that he slept on the bathroom floor! Such a good baby!

K Bailey said...

That thing he's sleeping you use it in your bed? Do you like it? If you're a Bachelor fan-check my blog.....