Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Who Loves Me...

So, this week my "who loves me" is kind of an obvious one.  Who else would stay with me this long and all my sarcasm, "terms of endearment", and lack of lovey dovey words?  yea, J.  He's the one.  Aint no one better for me.  I honestly can't believe it's been 12 years...it feels like 3 or 4...10 at the most (haha).  We've had some crazy crap over the years, and some awesome shiz.  We've been 100% super broke, to a year of amazing trips, a new fancy shmancy Suburban (oh how I miss you big red).  We've had years of complete sanity, working on fitness, family picnics daily, walks every Sunday, little family road trips....to years of pure survival on the edge of insanity, not being able to get a single healthy meal together but once or twice a week, no extra activities, no trips, no extras unless they were completely 100% required.   We've had Christmases where we bought Christmases for other families, we've had Christmases where we WERE the charity family.  We've had months where we wanted to spend every free, waking moment together, and years where we were so insanley busy by blessing since we had rough times with each other.  We've HONESTLY been through all of it.  And we still super love each other... a lot.  I'd rather hang out with him than anyone in the world...even on his super obnoxious lettuce and spinach days.  He's the one.
This picture is from year 3 of marriage...the end of my pregnancy with Kamryn...at a hockey game with our friends the Delriue's. The 2nd year of our 5 years of food stamps and creative free dates.
 This is in year 9...the year after our year of abundance...still living the good life...no idea of the year to come....no bueno....but look at the love!  He's fantastic!  Just fantastic!
 Year 10....the midst of the crap...you can tell, we both look old, and there was love, but mostly tiredness, and frustration.  Not so much with each other, but with circumstances.....
I like this guy.  I like his happy attitude.  I like his flat abs.  I like his sexy eyes and fat lips.  I like him.


foreveryoung said...

You guys are the cutest, what a sweet tribute to your Valentine!

Heidi said...

Love this, Kristal!

Miken Harding said...

I just love the 2 of you together! Hurry up and move here!